The devil Wants to Trick You

Oct 31, 2021

Since the first man and woman were created the devil has been trying to trick us. Especially around Halloween the devil uses things that look like fun and games to open up people to evil. It's just like a fishermen using bait to trick and catch a fish. The bait looks good to the fish and it falls for it. If it knew a hook was on the end of the bait it would never bite it. That's why you have to trick it. It's the same with us. If we saw plainly what the consequences of sin were we would never do it. That's why the devil has to trick you. He has to make things look harmless, or not such a big deal. "It's just a movie." "Everybody does it." "It'll be fun." When we fall for these tricks it can get us into a ton of trouble, just like Adam and Eve. Falling for his tricks has major consequences. It can sound scary, but remember God said he will "never leave us nor forsake us." He's always with you and you can ask him for help. Read God's word to learn from all of his teachings, pray and ask him for help, and keep good friends around you to keep you out of trouble. Remember God loves you so much!
Our Memory Verse this week is:
“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, I have come that they may have life....” John 10:10