Build your life on Jesus

Feb 6, 2022

When a builder builds a house they need lots of things; Wood, paint, nails, tools, windows, and other supplies. However the first thing he needs before he can build is a strong foundation to build the house on. Would you build your house on air, or eggs? No! Those are extremely weak foundations. If you built a house on eggs when a storm came the house would fall apart. If you build a house on a strong foundation like concrete when the storm comes it will stand firm. Our lives are the same. If we build our lives on a weak foundation we will feel like we're falling apart. Money gets spent, people let us down, and great jobs can be lost. So what DO we build our life on? The one thing that will never break. The one person who will never leave us. Jesus! When we build our lives on Jesus we are building our lives on a firm foundation. You can choose Jesus by spending time with him, reading and obeying his word, and asking him for help.
Our Memory Verse this week is:
“For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation, no other foundation can be laid.”
1 Corinthians 3:11