Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things!

Sep 24, 2023

The Dream Center is no ordinary place. Did you know that Angelus Temple is a part of something that is much bigger than any of us in here. There are Dream Centers that are located all over the United States, and even all over the world!

So the Dream Center is definitely no ordinary place, the Dream Center is Extraordinary and it was all started by one man who had a dream to

reach the hurting people right here in Los Angeles. He day wanted to tell as many people that he could that Jesus loved them. And now he's done so many amazing and extraordinary things to help thousands of people around the world. Now you would think that it would take an extraordinary man to do so many extraordinary things but Pastor Matthew is just an ordinary man. His secret to do extraordinary things is he was obedient to God.

God is going to put a dream in your heart too and the secret to accomplishing it is being faithful to God! You can do extraordinary things with God! You have a part to play too!

Our memory verse says: “The lazy will not get what they want, but those who work hard will.” Proverbs 13:4

We should do everything with excellence as if we're doing for God because ultimately we are!