Live The Life God Wants You To Live!

May 29, 2022

Life can feel really hard sometimes and we can feel trapped or held down by so many things in life. Worry about money, our past, people around us, or even fear about the future can hold us captive. A lot of people live their lives controlled by these things, but God wants us to live a different life. A life of Freedom! Not controlled by fear but walking in peace. Not heavy with sadness but filled with Joy. Not being hurt by sin but by being healed through God's love and loving others. God wants a better life for you. You just need to decide to live for him. Choose to be on Gods side. Moses had to choose to live for God and gave the Israelites a choice. Would they live for God or themselves? You can live a life for God! Ask God to take those burdens and worries! You can choose today to give God your life and live a life of Freedom!
Our Memory Verse this week is:
"Christ has set me free."
Galatians 5:1