The Devil Is a Liar

Jun 26, 2022

As christians we can thank God that we live in truth, God's truth. We know every word from God is true. There is someone who wants to distract us from God's truth and that's the devil. If we don't know God's word we can start to believe those lies. The devil has been lying since the beginning if time with Adam and Eve, and because they fell for the trick they committed the first sin!
You may know people that believe his lies. That it's better to get revenge than to forgive. That sin really isn't that bad. Or that no ones cares for you. The devil loves to try and trick us.
Maybe some of those lies have really hurt your heart. Well God wants to heal those hurts with his truth.
God has an amazing plan for you.
He calls you his children and friends.
God calls you a prized possession.
God loves you so much and you can learn more about his truth in the bible!

Our Memory Verse this week is:
“…the devil is a liar and the father of all lies.”
John 8:44