Do Not Allow Anything To Take The Place Of God

Sep 24, 2022

Today we are starting a new series for the next Ten weeks we will be learning the Ten Commandments. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments to pass on to the Israelites because He was giving them guidelines He wanted them to live by. The 10 Commandments work the same for us today; they are guidelines He wants us to live by. Today we are going to start with the first Commandment.

"You shall have no other gods, except Me."

God tells us repeatedly in the Bible not to worship any other gods. You need to know today that there is not one person, not one god, absolutely nothing that can compare
to our God. No one can compare to Him! No one can size up to Him. The bible says you have done such wonderful things who can compare with you O God. We must only worship Him and Him only. Not money, our friends, or even our family.

In today's bible lesson we learned that Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, literally chose money over Jesus. He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver! He gave him up. Ratted him out. Got him arrested. What are you putting in God's place?

Our Memory verse says:
“You must not have any other gods but Me.” Exodus 20:13