It All Starts In Your Heart

Nov 12, 2022

Every year there are murders and people who hurt one another. Do people just wake up one day and decide to hurt one another? No, it all starts in their heart. The hardest parts of life cause people pain. Maybe kids at school are mean, or you feel like your parents don't listen to you, maybe you've been of victim of violence. All that hurt and pain can build up and then people explode and do something horrible.

It builds up unless we give our issues to God. Our world isn't perfect, but God is. Our issues may start in our heart, but they don't have to stay there. We can pray and ask God to help us when we're hurt. Trust me it's not worth it to hurt someone or end up taking someone's life.

In our bible verse Cain took his own brothers life because of what built up in his heart.

Our Memory Verse This Week is: "You Shall Not Murder." Exodus 20:13